In a context where environmental and social concerns are increasingly pressing, sustainable innovation is becoming an essential lever for companies wishing to combine economic performance with social responsibility. At ABGi France, we help our clients to develop and implement sustainable innovation strategies based on concrete examples and best practices.
L’innovation durable consiste à développer des produits, services et processus qui répondent aux besoins actuels sans compromettre la capacité des générations futures à satisfaire les leurs. Cette approche intègre les dimensions environnementales, sociales et économiques, offrant une vision holistique du développement durable. Par exemple, l’économie circulaire vise à prolonger le cycle de vie des produits en intégrant la réutilisation, le recyclage et la valorisation des déchets dans les processus de production.
Adopting a sustainable innovation strategy has a number of benefits for companies:
At ABGi France, we have developed cutting-edge expertise in the various dimensions of sustainability – environmental, social and governance – and their integration at the heart of corporate strategy.
Our approach involves several key stages:
Diagnosis and assessment
Strategy development
CSR strategy & roadmap
Sustainability report
ABGi conducts a full diagnosis of your organisation to identify the specific challenges related to sustainability and assess your positioning in relation to industry best practice. We work with your teams to develop a vision and ambition for sustainable innovation, defining clear and measurable objectives that align with your overall strategy.
We then help you implement the strategy, putting in place appropriate processes and tools to ensure that sustainable practices are effectively integrated into your day-to-day activities.
Finally, we establish performance indicators to measure the impact of your sustainability initiatives and identify areas for improvement to ensure continued progress.
Our dual expertise in strategic advice and regulatory compliance makes us the ideal partner to transform your CSR approach into a real lever for overall performance and stakeholder engagement.
With almost 35 years’ experience in managing and financing innovation, we have helped many companies make the transition to more sustainable practices. We offer tailor-made support, adapted to the specific characteristics of your company and your sector of activity, to guarantee effective and lasting solutions. Our community of experts, made up of recognised research and development specialists, uses its technical know-how and in-depth knowledge to optimise the structuring and financing of your sustainable innovation.
Recognised experience
Drawing up the strategy
Expert network
By choosing ABGi France, you will have a partner committed to working with you to turn your environmental and social challenges into opportunities for growth and differentiation. Together, we can build a sustainable innovation strategy that ensures your business success while contributing to a responsible and equitable future.