Expertises > Innovation > Innovation funding strategy

Innovation funding strategy



From opportunism to anticipation, ABGI develops and implements innovation funding strategies! 


In order to manage your performance, would you like to know and anticipate the financing of your projects of tomorrow, to have an approach to the global financing of your R&D, or to study the best geographical locations to ensure your development?

Benefit from upstream discussions with ABGI’s teams. 

Our added value 

Added value 


Managing assignments with a dual objective: accelerating innovation and optimising the ROI of the innovation function.




A combination of strategic, scientific, financial, legal and marketing skills. 




Develop expertise by business area. Capitalise on best practice. 




Know-how to get all the players involved in these strategic studies and maximise the collective effort. 

To find out how we can help you unlock the innovative potential of your business, contact us.