Expertises > Innovation > Grants & Subsidies

Grants & Subsidies


Reference tools for developing technological partnerships, accelerating development or entering new markets, 

While the technological and financial risks are limited, it is still difficult to obtain public grants and subsidies. 

A wide range of innovation support agencies at city, regional, national and European level offer funding schemes. 

Mapping of funding opportunities  


To identify the best projects to apply for grants and subsidies, our scientific experts specialised in your business areas will work with you to conduct a detailed analysis of your innovation strategy and a thorough review of your project portfolio. 

Based on this, we search our databases, updated in real-time, for the best windows in terms of funding rates, partnership requirements and scientific focus, in order to target the best projects. 


We provide a detailed funding plan for your entire portfolio, ensuring the success and funding of your most critical innovation projects.  




We ensure you are identified and directed to the most appropriate local, regional, national or European office for your plans. 



Nous travaillons à la mobilisation exhaustive des guichets de financement adaptés à votre projet pour maximiser son financement 



Our in-depth knowledge of the various funding agencies and bodies means you can rest assured that your investment will be supported in the right way. 



Our close relationship with the competitiveness cluster can help you work towards accreditation, increasing your funding rates. 

From identification to funding, ABGi works with all structures. 


Our approach is to work with companies of any size, considering their innovation strategies, technological maturity and funding strategies, in order to maximise support and produce the best scientific results for their business. While a SME may wish to secure short-term funding from the BPI to finance a nascent project, a large group may wish to optimise the funding rate of its portfolio and carry out applied research through new public partnerships financed by Europe (H2020) or France (ANR).  


See also…

EIC Accelerator

Innovation Fund


To find out how we can help you unlock the innovative potential of your business, contact us.